Friday, March 25, 2011

Charming of KUakata2

Kuakata and it`s neighbouring  areas  bore the brunt of Sidr`s rage. All structures outside the embankment were wiped out. Hotels, restaurants, dry fish traders, roadside shops and other beachside businesses where severely affected . Sidr hit Kuakata at the peak of the tourist season, making matters even worse for the residents of the place, Even the cpatjatan Hote, which is usually booked for the entire season, was empty for weeks. Traders export dry fish to Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries in Asia , as well as locally and this industry was the worst affected in the entire region, Kuakata forest issituated on the beach and is a vital protection for villages as well as being a natural flood procton embankment for the entire area and, according to the forest department official s, over 50 percent of the 3,000 acre forest in Kuakata was partially of totally destroyed.l
                    Even more than four months after Sidr hit Bangladesh, the devastation caused  by  it is still visible along the trail towards Kuakata  debris, fallen trees, broken parts of tin houses still lie here and there. There are still scenes  of houses being rebuilt. Thehardship of the oeople in the south is only too visible.

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